Love Drug Soundtrack

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Final Teaser Trailer!

We created a Youtube account so that we can put our video onto Youtube to gain more audience feedback and so our target audience can access it. Putting the video onto Youtube will also enable the group to upload the it onto our blogs and onto our websites again, so our target audience can easily access it. I think that Youtube is the best website for the group to upload the video too as Youtube is the most popular video sharing site and everyone has heard about it! This could mean that we have a greater audience to our teaser trailer because Youtube has so many potential consumers that have the opportunity to watch our teaser trailer.

Here is the link to Youtube to watch our final Teaser Trailer :)

Monday, 20 December 2010

Feedback From The Other Groups! - Teaser trailer

Our group decided to show the other groups our teaser trailer so far to see what they thought of it and so we knew what they thought the good and bad points are.

This is what we found out . . .

Good Points:

- Video, text, video, text structure
- Music goes with the storyline and the beat goes with the edits
- good variety of shot lengths

Points to improve on:
- Make the end shot longer
- Change the font of the text to something more simple
- Close up of Chloe's face when she is looking for drugs
- Fade the end shot in and out

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Representation in our trailer!

We have represented gender in a fairly stereotypical way. The main protagonist is a female and she is shown as vulnerable and in need of rescuing. This is the stereotypical view of a female for romance films; for example something goes wrong and then a male comes along and rescues her and 'they live happily ever after'. We also decided to use the stereotypical conventions for a female because our target audience will be able to relate to her more. Lots of girls that age feel vulnerable and have many problems they have to overcome so they can relate to our main protagonist in that way. Also Chloe's best friend is portrayed as manipulative and untrustworthy; our target audience may be able to relate to having had this done to them by another female in their life too. Having our audience relate to our characters and storyline will make them want to watch our film.
The males are represented in a stereotypical way too. Dan is suggested to be a 'player' where he gets all the girls etc. This is seen as a way of being masculine and 'cool' to the other males. Again, our target audience will be able to relate to this because they may know a few males like this in their life.

In our trailer, middle class is shown through their costumes and the settings we have used. For example the walk in the park shows that it is a countryside setting which suggests middle class because lower class would be stereotypically set in a more rural area like a city. Their clothes are informal but not 'chavy' clothes like tracksuit bottoms etc. We chose not to show a difference in class as this would confuse the audience and would make the characters not link as well. However, we have brought in some stereotypical lower class objects such as drugs. Drugs are associated with the lower class so the audience will wonder why she has turned to drugs not something else.

Teenage life is represented in our trailer through many different ways. It shows the different emotions that teenagers go through and what situations those emotions come from. For example, relationship problems, family problems etc. Our target audience will be able to relate to these problems because they will be around this age and will know of someone of themselves who have had these kinds of problems; this will make them want to watch the film. We decided to only show one generation in our teaser trailer because this is the majority of our target audience and they will therefore be able to relate to all the characters and storyline more.

Narrative Stages Of Our Teaser Trailer.

Our first shots are of Chloe's life being happy and perfect. We see her walking and laughing with her boyfriend but we dont yet know they are together; they could just be friends. This already puts questions in the audience's head.

The trailer then flashes to the main protagonist sat on the bathroom floor with drugs and pills around her. This shows she that something must have gone wrong for her to be like this; it shows the disturbance in her life and that now, everything is not perfect. This again puts questions in the audience's heads as to what has gone wrong and why she is say holding alot of pills.

Following this, we show shots of Chloe in the grave yard which suggests to the audience that someone has died and this makes the audience wonder who has died? It also shows her problems more in depth but without giving too much away from the storyline.

It then flashes back to a drug scene to show that Chloe is still in distress; this helps to build up tension throughout the trailer.

We then show a sequence of shots that the audience have already seen, but from a different perspective. When she is walking in the park with her boyfriend, she goes into kiss him and he carries on walking. This puts questions in the audience's head as to why he doesn't want to kiss her.

After this, we see a shot where Chloe's boyfriend winks at her best friend. This shows that there is a 'love triangle' going on an makes the audience wonder what is going to happen with Chloe's relationship with both her boyfriend and her best friend; and will she overdose, or will someone save her?

The last sequence of shots is Chloe ringing someone but the audience can't see who it is. Then Dan, (the boyfriend) and James, (the best-boy-friend) both pick up their phones. This makes the audience wonder who Chloe rang?

Monday, 6 December 2010

Poster layout number 3!

The title of the film is at the top of the poster so that this will be the first text the audience will see.
The actors names follow on from the title so the audience knows who is starring in the film; as does the director's name.
I put the release date at the bottom of the page because if the audience are interested in the film they will see the release date and remember it.
Again the institutions are at the bottom because this is the stereotypical place for them to be.
I have kept the main image as the background so it is clear to the audience who the main protagonists are.

Poster layout number 2!

I decided to have all the text at the bottom of the page as this makes the main image on the background to stand out. The title of the film will be the largest text to make the audience remember the title.
The actors names and the director's name is at the top of all the text so people will read the names and want to watch the film because of who is starring in the film.
The release date is above the title to show when the film is coming out in the cinema's.
The media institutions are at the bottom of the poster because this is where they're conventionally placed.

Poster layout number 1!

I decided to put the actors names at the top of the page because this is the first thing the audience should read and it will draw them into the film if there are good and well-known actors in the film.

I am going to have 1 main image as the background because this will introduce the main protagonists without giving too much away from the storyline.

The release date is on a slant to make it stand out because if it was in line with the title then it would blend in with the title.

The title is underneath the actors faces so this should be the next thing they look at. I will also use a font that sticks in the audiences head so they will remember the title of the film.

The director and institutions is at the bottom of the poster because this is the typical place for these to be.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Questionnaire Analysis - Editing

Question 1 - All 10 people said they thought our teaser trailer portrayed a romance genre. This is good because this is the genre it is supposed to portray! Which means, we don't have to change anything to make it look more like a romance film.

Question 2 - The majority of people (7) said they thought we showed about the right amount of the storyline in the trailer; which is a good result. However, 2 people said they thought we showed too much of the storyline and 1 person said not enough. we will need to take this into consideration when we are doing our final draft of editing but it is hard to change anything with a small amount of people disagreeing with what we have put in, this is why it would have been better (given more time) to ask a bigger focus group.

Question 3 - From question 3 we have decided to take out the scene where our main protagonist (Chloe) is sat at the table; 1 person from our focus group said they thought this would be a good idea to take it out and we (as a group) decided that it confuses our audience because there is no relevance to why she is sat at the table and it doesn't create any questions in the audience's head about the storyline.

Question 4 - 1 person from our focus group said that we could add in more happy scenes because there are too many scenes emphasising the distress in Chloes' life. The group has taken this into consideration and we are thinking of filming some more happy scenes to add in, although this will make our teaser trailer longer inless we tak e out some of the other scenes which we dont really feel happy with doing; but we are having a meeting about this shortly.

Question 5 - 9 people said they thought we have used the correct lighting to portray each different mood in our trailer; 1 person said they didnt think we had but when we asked them why not they couldnt give us a reason so this means we dont need to change any of the lighting used.

Question 6 - 8 people said they would like to watch the film after seeing our teaser trailer. This is a good result but we want to get all of our focus group wanting to watch the film as this will give us a wider target audience and will make the film more successful.

Question 7 - 1 person said we should make the ending more of a cliff hanger so the group are goingto discusshow we can do this but we dont have alot of time to do more filming so we might have to change it with the editting.

Question 8 - The main things that were most people's least favourite scene in our teaser trailer were the phones ringing and Chloe getting stood up. We have decided to take out the stood up scene and we are going to re-film the phones ringing; this should improve our teasertrailer to our target audiences' opinions.

Question 9 - All of the poeple in our focus group said that they thought we have used a wide variety of camera angles and shots; this is what we were aiming to do as it helps to create the moods and show the characters feelings without giving too much away.

Question 10 - 6 people felt that they could relate to the main protagonist in our trailer (Chloe). This is what we wanted because then more people are likely to watch the film if they can relate to this storyline in someway.

Question 11 - Most of the 6 people said they could relate to Chloe for escapism etc. This is good because escapism is one of the main reasons why our target audience watch romance films.

Question 12 - We asked our focus group to rate our teaser trailer for how much they would like to watch the film between 1 and 5 (5 being allot and 1 being not much). 4 people rated our trailer as a 3, 4 people rated it as a 4 and 2 people rated it as a 5! The group is really pleased with these results as there were not people rating it lower than a 3! This means our teaser trailer does what it is supposed to do (get the target audience wanting to watch the film), also with the changes that we are going to make, hopefully we will get more people rating it even higher!

Questionnaire - Filled Out

This is on of our filled out questionnaire's. We decided to give have a focus group of 10 people which meant each of them needed to fill out a questionnaire. If we had more time to gather more of our target audience for the focus group then i think this would have been better because we could get more opinions to analyse. However, i think 10 people is a reasonable amount to analyse :)

Questionnaire For Editing Our Teaser Trailer

We created this questionnaire to find out what our focus group thought of our first draft of the teaser trailer. This means that we can now go on and improve our trailer to suit our target audience even more. We need to create an action plan for what needs improving; which means more analysing!!